Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Leven Thumps Reading Response

There is a lot of injustice in the book Leven Thumps and The Gateway to Foo.  Both Leven and Winter have very unkind parents.

Their parents see them as pests and just another mouth to feed.  For example in the book it says, "As Janet would stuff her face, Winter would sit their with nothing but her usual dinner: a half dozen peas, which Janet had usually picked from her meal, a single crust of bread, and a spoonful of sugar-free strawberry jam- sugar free because Janet had once read how bad sugar was for children."  All they do is keep their children alive, they don't provide love or care.

It is really unfair that their parents get all this stuff and they don't get anything.  For example the children only have one pair of clothes that they have to wear everyday.  It isn't fair because it ruins their self-image at school, people make fun of them and they don't have any friends.   It could be understandable if the parents couldn't afford more clothes, but they can and they just choose not too.

Leven and Winter have miserable lives due to this unkindness.  This kind of parental treatment can cause kids to run away, or do other bad things.

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